I have been using the nitrogen format since roughly early 2014 and that is really the only book I have used unless I place a hedge or so on. I have a long history great experience until tonight. I placed a few wagers on the Pres debate tonight. One of the Wagers that I place was https://nitrogensports.eu/betslip/16...iZz09/r/21642/ This wager is Hillary Clinton to wear red. I placed other bets on this debate including words that would be said as "cliches" also I bet on different pant suits colors. As you see my wager was placed at 8:36 pm. My bet was placed and book roughly 45 minutes or later which was well into the debate claiming the all wagers posted after 8:35 would be cancelled https://nitrogensports.eu/blog/state...te-late-lines/. This statement was released after the debate had began.
After I had originally placed my red pant suit bet I looked at other prop bets and saw that the color red was removed from the color choices which at first I thought was odd, but nitro was still had action on other colors this was shortly after. A few minutes had gone by and I loaded more money to make additional prop bets colors so I loaded more coin. I fired a few bets on phrases I was confident in Obama and something else I forget...it missed.
But now I am sitting here wondering if I will ever get paid. If you told me 2 years ago this happened on nitro I would says 100% I would get paid, if you told me 9 hours ago I would say 100%. Nitro has till not made a statement to me formally from the support tickets I have sent them. The only response I have received from there Admin Clay to "travel safely" in regards to my trips to Costa Rica.
I have never past posted anything on nitro actually I have been proactive in the community telling the admins on skype when a bad line or anything comes up because they have always treated me well. I do believe I am in the right on this issue personally I do not see how this bet could be cancelled due to there statement regarding the tv information. What does this do in stopping the people that had information about her paints suit earlier in the day or before. Also how did they know she was not going to change her outfit before she went on the debate stage. Nitrogen had discussed this prior and said for it to be action they had to be on stage.
I am sorry if this is jumbled or does some is not written properly I had a few drinks after this which is not common of me. This is not something that exactly happens to me everyday.
After I had originally placed my red pant suit bet I looked at other prop bets and saw that the color red was removed from the color choices which at first I thought was odd, but nitro was still had action on other colors this was shortly after. A few minutes had gone by and I loaded more money to make additional prop bets colors so I loaded more coin. I fired a few bets on phrases I was confident in Obama and something else I forget...it missed.
But now I am sitting here wondering if I will ever get paid. If you told me 2 years ago this happened on nitro I would says 100% I would get paid, if you told me 9 hours ago I would say 100%. Nitro has till not made a statement to me formally from the support tickets I have sent them. The only response I have received from there Admin Clay to "travel safely" in regards to my trips to Costa Rica.
I have never past posted anything on nitro actually I have been proactive in the community telling the admins on skype when a bad line or anything comes up because they have always treated me well. I do believe I am in the right on this issue personally I do not see how this bet could be cancelled due to there statement regarding the tv information. What does this do in stopping the people that had information about her paints suit earlier in the day or before. Also how did they know she was not going to change her outfit before she went on the debate stage. Nitrogen had discussed this prior and said for it to be action they had to be on stage.
I am sorry if this is jumbled or does some is not written properly I had a few drinks after this which is not common of me. This is not something that exactly happens to me everyday.