I'm thinking Wonder bitch by decision myself. Keep the distance and win on points round by round with his Karate crap style. Belal Muhammad Ali will try to pressure and wrestle him though.
Will? More like if. He probably gonna dance around on the edge of Thompson's reach and eat shots. Don't recall much pressure wrestling from Belal.
GL Kermy. Cub isn't all that anymore. We'll see though? Fight stays standing Elkins could be in trouble though. Elkins needs to grind on Cub like he normally does.
He used to end the fights pre maturely.... Being a former fighter and all he wanted to protect fighters, he caught a lot of flack for it and now it seems like he lets them go on a lot more than they need to
He used to end the fights pre maturely.... Being a former fighter and all he wanted to protect fighters, he caught a lot of flack for it and now it seems like he lets them go on a lot more than they need to
Lately he has been hanging back .... Back in the day Herb Dean would of stopped the fight 20 seconds sooner when Elkins was scrambling to find Cub in the ring