1. #71
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    I think posters are reading these posts and finally figuring it out.

    Fantasy was just an "add on" to the popularity of the NFL. More people who are enthused/entertain the better the value/business.

    I don't know the percentage of how much "gambling" increased popularity of the NFL? You have to say to yourself... would you really turn on ESPN, check your phones for scores, or care about who's winning if it wasn't for gambling? I wouldn't give a rats ass for any team and neither would you. Congress and the government aren't stupid. They know sports thrive on a form of gambling. Big or small.... it gets people to watch. They should of regulated it years ago.

    Now... the governments decision what to do with DK and FD is crucial in many ways. Government wants a piece of the pie. The way this situation is handled.... could open the doors to legalizing sports wagering in the USA. One wrong move.... and there's no hope.

    Fantasy sports is gambling. What difference does it make.... a player gaining yards and TD's for you to win. Or an entire team covering a line for you? It's the exact same equation. There is no difference.

  2. #72
    recon1's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Enter promo code: sucker, that's SUCKER
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  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Fantasy sports is gambling. What difference does it make.... a player gaining yards and TD's for you to win. Or an entire team covering a line for you? It's the exact same equation. There is no difference.
    There is a difference, I'll post it a little later, gotta run for now.

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM_Toretto View Post
    I disagree. The main reason behind the MASSIVE marketing campaign is legalized sports betting. FD & DK spent millions on advertising and promotions in order to gain new customer accounts. They were willing to pay $25 a head easily. The strategy being that they already have the infrastructure ready, building up their clientele with DFS, and as soon as sports betting is legalized they will swiftly modify their apps/sites to become the largest sports books in the world.
    I see it differently....these guys would never help online gambling and that is the primary reason I have a problem with them. Unless they are forced (because they themselves are labeled as gambling) they will never push for legalizing online gambling because that is the main competition. How many people would play dfs if online gambling was an option? I'd say less than 50%

    As for they themselves turning into books I really doubt it. 2 different animals....its not easy to become the worlds largest book just because you have databases of millions of players. What happens when you have a bad week, 2 bad weeks? You post a wrong line? etc etc. Moreover it is against their business model...with dfs they are collecting guaranteed vig unlike gambling and none of the big name backers would support them because of the risk involved.

    DFS has to be labeled as gambling (which in reality it is). Only if it is labeled such there is any hope for online gambling to be legalized in the United States.

  5. #75
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    It's over for DFS. Once Nevada bans all others follow. Also the Congress is involved now so if the DFS sites don't allow them to tax winnings and pay business taxes they will shut them down. The scam has been exposed.

  6. #76
    KingJD31's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    The real scam is our fuckin govt that's exactly why they are going after them to get a piece of the pie. It's a fuckin joke let if fuckin be,it's a gamble you shouldn't get fuckin taxed for it
    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    It's over for DFS. Once Nevada bans all others follow. Also the Congress is involved now so if the DFS sites don't allow them to tax winnings and pay business taxes they will shut them down. The scam has been exposed.

  7. #77
    Goat Milk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Nickle View Post
    Fantasy did but not this fantasy. This has just made it a outright gusher. Homemade fantasy hugely boosted the NFL but not as much as the internet and online gambling.

    They aren't paying millions to NCAA to play games on a Thurs in front of a half empty stadium for fantasy. The real money and eyes are still with illegal online gambling. There will still be plenty of money to be made with illegal fantasy gambling. This stuff is here to stay.
    Yes I'm talking about fantasy football, not these daily sites like fanduel and draftkings. When fantasy football came into the picture and was made accessible via internet, the NFL exploded. Anyone who begs to differ -- go do the research and you'll find the correlation.

  8. #78
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  9. #79
    Buffalo Nickle
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goat Milk View Post
    Yes I'm talking about fantasy football, not these daily sites like fanduel and draftkings. When fantasy football came into the picture and was made accessible via internet, the NFL exploded. Anyone who begs to differ -- go do the research and you'll find the correlation.
    Yes. Fantasy leagues have been all the difference. Once a guy is in fantasy, he starts paying attention to all the games and starts following his friends players and the rest of the league and the obsession is full on.

    But I will disagree about baseball. It has not been more popular than football since the 60s. It has fallen behind just because it is not very exciting and football is only played once a week and much easier to follow. Baseball fantasy is probably even better but it is just too much.

    FanDuel and such has the potential to do that with the 25-year-olds and will be their obsession in the decades to come if it hangs around.
    Last edited by Buffalo Nickle; 10-23-15 at 05:17 PM.

  10. #80
    Bluehorseshoe's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Fantasy has zero impact on NFL
    Always been illegal pools , ect

    Rookie day SBR

    I have a private league on Fan Duel and 1/3 in it are women who wouldn't be betting games or illegal pools, etc. They'll piss away $10 thinking it's not gambling. They actually watch the games where they didn't before.
    Last edited by Bluehorseshoe; 10-23-15 at 05:41 PM.

  11. #81
    Itsamazing777's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    It's over for DFS. Once Nevada bans all others follow. Also the Congress is involved now so if the DFS sites don't allow them to tax winnings and pay business taxes they will shut them down. The scam has been exposed.
    Taxes are already paid...... They pay and they send out tax forms every year to every player. Not a scam. And the only reason Nevada is even doing it is because of that billionaire fck who owns all the casinos there. He's been against online gambling for years.

  12. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Nickle View Post
    Yes. Fantasy leagues have been all the difference. Once a guy is in fantasy, he starts paying attention to all the games and starts following his friends players and the rest of the league and the obsession is full on.

    But I will disagree about baseball. It has not been more popular than football since the 60s. It has fallen behind just because it is not very exciting and football is only played once a week and much easier to follow. Baseball fantasy is probably even better but it is just too much.
    Different forms of fantasy baseball has been around forever.
    Strat-o-matic which is table top baseball originated in 1963 and it's still huge.
    I've been involved with fantasy baseball since HS in the 80's, first form of computer fantasy baseball was 1961.

    I got hooked on Roto baseball in HS in the 80's, roto was invented in 1978 by a bunch of guys sitting aound a restaurant table in NYC.

    My father tells me the books used to run a 3/7 pool, this was in the 40's and the 50's
    Pick any three hitters, didn't matter, it could be Ted Williams, Willy Mays and Mickey Mantle, but your three hitters had to get 7 or more hits combined to win the pot.
    Back then, the only source of statistics was once a week in the Sporting News, or if your Sunday newspaper was hip enough to carry statistics in the Sunday pools.

    The guys who knew the pitchers and the hitters back then would have an advantage in the 7 hit pool, they were the ones that kept notes on paper with pencil, who listened to the games on the transistor radio or went to the Polo Grounds on a regular basis.

    Same principle applies today as it did 50 years ago, knowledge is king.

    When you enter a fantasy contest, everyone is on a level playing field, everyone has access to the same players, same salary conditions, etc. etc.

    What the guys did at FD and DK was stupid, because they did what every sharp fantasy player knows and does, that is picked and won with contrarian players. A contrarian player is a running back or wide reciever that the public would not consider using, the less the player is 'owned' the greater your chances are if you own him and if he performs.

    The guys are accused of 'insider trading', they had the data of ownership, and played the contrarian players.
    You know Rodgers and Brady are going to be highly owned, I can tell you that, so what you need to do is find a QB like Tannenhill who has a favorable match up and use him, you don't need no stinking cheat sheet to know this.

    Take Phillip Rivers for instance, he should near another 400 yard day this week, I bought Rivers this week, and he's only 5.8 percent owned.

    Cutler was another perfect example last week, you saw in my prop thread how I loved him to go over 240 passing yards.
    He easily did that, he cashed me 25 dollars on a 5 dollar FD game.

    I ain't retiring on fantasy sports, but I like it, if you don't do your homework, you ain't succeeding.

    p.s. the DK and FD guys did not break any laws, unless being and idiot is breaing a law, the attorneys all know no law was broken, this whole thing is a smoke screen for the government to get their piece of the pie, and when the dust settles they will get their piece, and it'll be business as usual, the giant check will not be a myth.

  13. #83
    Wrigley's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    How long until others follow

  14. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrigley View Post
    How long until others follow
    Nobody is following unless ordered to cease and desist.

    One again, notice it's just DK and FD the officials are after, they are smooth with the Yahoo's and CBS Sports of the world.

  15. #85
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    I've received a tax form personally from them. Most people dont know what they are talking about.

  16. #86
    Snowball's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    I must admit this fantasy chit has sucked me in lately.
    It's the easy PayPal next-day w/d's that do it.

    Still, it's really not anywhere near as exciting as normal betting.
    And the big tournaments are traps.

  17. #87
    Tommy Karate
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    Quote Originally Posted by konck View Post
    Bout time scamming millions
    nothing but cheats
    haha - i take it you lost some $$ playing DFS?
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  18. #88
    alling's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM_Toretto View Post
    Still don't understand why the haters on here are against DFS??????

    Money to be made.

    First step in legalizing sports betting.

    Damn fools.

    Exactly. Oh yeah. FLA only wants to ban FD and DK. Still plenty of other fantasy sites for FLA. Oops there goes the chubby for said anti fantasy/anti gambling fools.

  19. #89
    MoeSedway's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    So much pathetic derp in this thread. If you're bitter that you donked away a few hundo on DraftKings/FanDuel then don't play anymore. Let the rest of us do what we want with our money. Unreal.

  20. #90
    jaytee20's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    The UIGEA - which made nothing illegal, legalized DFS. There will be a Supremacy Clause problem if States go forward with illegality statutes.

  21. #91
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    Once again, no laws have been broken.

  22. #92
    mr. leisure
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    Please stop beating our heads in with all the commercials

  23. #93
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr. leisure View Post
    Please stop beating our heads in with all the commercials
    I deposited $20 and won $2 million! It's so easy.

  24. #94
    goduke's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    steve has it exactly right. This is just about getting a piece of the pie. Every state wants to see if they can get something. Its all spin right now, making things sound worse then they are so agendas can be pushed. Its really sad that people as a whole can be so easily manipulated by stories and not learn the truth of things on their own with so many resources readily available at anyones fingertips

  25. #95
    Pete0's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Why not ban lottery then ? Isn't that the same as predicting your numbers to win ?

    And what guarantee is there to these "regulated" lotteries actually being 100% regulated ?

  26. #96
    Cross's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    That really happened fast, ouch Fanduel.

  27. #97
    agendaman's Avatar SBR MVP
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    many fantasy players are failed sports bettors

  28. #98
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    Have to say, I wish these sites would get banned in all 50 states. I am sick of seeing the commercials every 4 seconds about how some retard deposited a dollar twenty five and won 7 billion dollars.

  29. #99
    Itsamazing777's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by agendaman View Post
    many fantasy players are failed sports bettors
    Yeah, no. Nice quote from your Messiah Jj gold though......

  30. #100
    brooks85's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    Have to say, I wish these sites would get banned in all 50 states. I am sick of seeing the commercials every 4 seconds about how some retard deposited a dollar twenty five and won 7 billion dollars.
    yeah, seeing maxipad or diabetes commercials are a lot better...

  31. #101
    jjgold's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Losers play

    Broken down guys

    Failed bettors that lost everything

    College kids

  32. #102
    MoeSedway's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    Have to say, I wish these sites would get banned in all 50 states. I am sick of seeing the commercials every 4 seconds about how some retard deposited a dollar twenty five and won 7 billion dollars.
    I shouldn't be allowed to play daily fantasy because you don't enjoy their commercials? Come on now.

  33. #103
    Itsamazing777's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Lol. I've won more than one. It's not going anywhere. Of course it's hard to win the more entries in a tournament. Did you expect to win your first time? image.jpg
    Attached Images  

  34. #104
    Snowball's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Losers play

    Broken down guys

    Failed bettors that lost everything

    College kids
    which is exactly why it can be quite profitable to play there.
    you just have to be discriminating as to where you take action.
    for example, it's better to stay away from multi-entry contests
    if you want to win a sizable bet.
    small leagues and head to heads are better than the 50/50s.
    it's ok to toss some light $ on the longshot tournaments, but
    if you can pick lineups better than most of the clientele, the
    small leagues and H2H offer fast money, there is no doubt.
    sharks and pro math guys are only on the featured, multi-entry
    tournaments. I would not be surprised at all if multi-entry becomes
    more limited or is eliminated in coming months.

  35. #105
    play4win's Avatar SBR MVP
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    and in the future they will ban in entire usa like sports betting and allow the rest of the world!
    i can see it, the future lol.

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