SBR Poker Sunday: Mar. 9th

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  • Tammy_G
    • 10-26-22
    • 171

    SBR Poker Sunday: Mar. 9th

    This time this Sunday we'll all be enjoying the brand new SBR forum upgrade! Who's jumping in our upcoming game?


    SBR $100 Sunday Poker
    Sunday, Mar. 9th
    5:00 PM EST

    Where: PokerStars SBR Poker Home Game Club
    Who can play:
    All SBR members who have posted at least once in the past month.

    Prize Payouts (for each game)

    Paid in Amazon or PayPal payments.

    1st $40
    2nd $25
    3rd $20
    4th $15

    How to Enter/Sign-up:
    • Post your PokerStars username in this thread
    • Request to join the Home Game Club (follow instructions below)
    • If you have already joined us for a previous game, you do not need to do this again; you will remain in the club. Simply watch and register for the tournament when registration opens.

    How to Join the Home Game Club:

    *Open PokerStars software, log in
    *Click Home Games Tab, then click on Join a club
    *Enter Club ID: 4920938
    *Enter Invitation Code: SBRSUNDAY300
    *Enter your SBR username in the "Your Name" field enter your SBR username

    For players in regulated states (Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania): Use this link to download the client (no VPN needed):
    Buy-In: 20,000 play chips.
    You get 35k when you join, otherwise you can top up with 15,000 every 4 hours. We recommend you start building some up to ensure you have enough for every tournament.

    How to get free chips:
    • Click on Cashier at the top of the page
    • Click the Play Money tab
    • Click on the Collect button, then click OK to top up your play money chips

    After you collect your 15,000 free chips, a timer will show in the cashier, counting down to when you can claim free chips again, or may also show at the top of your main lobby as shown below:

    How to Claim Your Prize
    Send a private message to Debi and Tammy_G with the following info (it is very important to include both of us!):
    Amazon or PayPal?

    If Amazon:
    US or Canada?
    -Email address to send gift code to

    If PayPal:
    -Please provide the email address on your PayPal account for payment.We will get that information sent in asap so you can receive your prizes. Prize payment is not instantaneous. Please allow sufficient time to receive your prize.
  • Tammy_G
    • 10-26-22
    • 171

    Eligible Players:

    These members are already in the club, and do not need to sign-up again. If you are not on this list, post your PokerStars username here, and apply for the Home Game Club (details in first post). We'll get you on the list.

    (SBR Name - PokerStars Name)
    1. 2Sweeet - donkdown1414
    2. Actiondan - mosesaces
    3. aggieshawn - aggieshawn
    4. BeerDog99 - cbeauchamp
    5. blackHIPPY - CowboyWayne11
    6. blankoblanco - murderface05
    7. Brock - brockmoi
    8. craigpb - craigpb222
    9. Crusherrr - Only_Plays_Aces
    10. Debi - dakota-xx
    11. eberetta1- eberetta1
    12. eddycash - super edwin
    13. EmpireMaker - EmpireMaker4
    14. franklee168 - franklee168168
    15. frankzig - FecalTorna30
    16. Getch13 - 13Thirteen90
    17. hawkwind - hawkwind2357
    18. headsterx - headsterx2024
    19. Ian - 2the9sBMRI
    20. ItsAmazing777 - Iamamazing777
    21. jackpot269 - sbrjackpot269
    22. JAKEPEAVY21 - alessandra21
    23. jmtbdj - jmtbdjag
    24. johnny liu - bring ittttt
    25. kingdom - 14Kingdom
    26. klemopixx - klemopixx SBR
    27. Krashman - pokerfreak001
    28. Lex_icon - LeBohone
    29. Machba - Machba-SBR
    30. mikejamm Mikejamm77
    31. Mr KLC - MrKLC68
    32. oneunder - tbcota75
    33. Optional - SBR Optional
    34. povis - ultimatept7
    35. SomeDayinBuffalo - SDIB13
    36. Stefan - StefanSBR1
    37. stevenash - TwojacksczT
    38. Tennelson55
    39. VBPro7 - VBPro7
    40. fried cheese - friedcheese sbr
    41. Bigbill365 -BigBill365
    42. kidkonggolf - krustykrab13
    43. Swany - Swany
    44. ttwarrior1 - ttwarrior1
    45. BT RayRay - BTRayray
    dogkatcher - dogkatcher
    47. ddittie - FatalRiverer
    48. YouPayMe - DonkyChasnRivr
    49. illmatick -
    50. sportfan - oicha
    51. 84donkong - 84donkong
    52. CarolinaDaze - Carolinadaze
    53. ChuckyTheGoat - chuckythegoat
    54. bigdaddyjames - Big$james777


    • ChuckyTheGoat
      • 04-04-11
      • 36315

      Thx, Tammy. It's been fun playing against the posters. Plan to be there again on SUN.

      I may be inept. I still can't figure out how to get the Add-On chips.
      Where's the fuckin power box, Carol?


      • Optional
        • 06-10-10
        • 60284

        Originally posted by ChuckyTheGoat
        Thx, Tammy. It's been fun playing against the posters. Plan to be there again on SUN.

        I may be inept. I still can't figure out how to get the Add-On chips.
        As soon as you open the tourney table, look on the left side for tick boxes to "Automatically Rebuy When Available" and "Auto Addon".

        Otherwise you need to manually do it at the time


        • ChuckyTheGoat
          BARRELED IN @ SBR!
          • 04-04-11
          • 36315

          Originally posted by Optional
          As soon as you open the tourney table, look on the left side for tick boxes to "Automatically Rebuy When Available" and "Auto Addon".

          Otherwise you need to manually do it at the time
          Thx, Opti. THINK I got it. But I admit to being half-a-moron.
          Where's the fuckin power box, Carol?


          • ttwarrior1
            BARRELED IN @ SBR!
            • 06-23-09
            • 28420

            in, if i can stay awake,


            • jackpot269
              SBR Posting Legend
              • 09-24-07
              • 12761

              THX Tammy, Opti, and SBR. GL All!!


              • ChuckyTheGoat
                BARRELED IN @ SBR!
                • 04-04-11
                • 36315

                I can't figure it out. Props to all the winners.

                Was fun playing w/ guys like Machba, Jackpot, and Opti. James got me in a big hand, too - NH.
                Where's the fuckin power box, Carol?


                • brock
                  SBR Hall of Famer
                  • 01-07-08
                  • 7999

                  When the popup shows up during the break that says buy 10,000 chips I believe
                  there's a popup in the upper left corner that says buy. I just found it today. Chucky
                  you made a good run after that without the buy.


                  • ChuckyTheGoat
                    BARRELED IN @ SBR!
                    • 04-04-11
                    • 36315

                    Originally posted by brock
                    When the popup shows up during the break that says buy 10,000 chips I believe
                    there's a popup in the upper left corner that says buy. I just found it today. Chucky
                    you made a good run after that without the buy.
                    Thx, Brock. Appreciate it. It's fun.

                    *James caught me w/ my hand in the cookie-jar. He made a very nice hand.

                    My exit hand wasn't much fun: AT(sp) flops JT5 with two spades. I get shoved all-in.
                    ...My hand is strong. I'm up against JT, top 2-pair.
                    ...I have 12 outs, good equity. But I brick out.

                    Thank you, Tami/Opti et al for setting this up. SBR Poker used to be an integral part of the forum. Nice to have it back.
                    Where's the fuckin power box, Carol?


                    • jackpot269
                      SBR Posting Legend
                      • 09-24-07
                      • 12761

                      I had king high str8. Whoever put me out, had Ace high flush.


                      • Optional
                        • 06-10-10
                        • 60284

                        Congrats to the winners


                        • GzaTheGenius
                          SBR MVP
                          • 02-12-13
                          • 4178

                          Originally posted by Tammy_G
                          This time this Sunday we'll all be enjoying the brand new SBR forum upgrade! Who's jumping in our upcoming game?


                          SBR $100 Sunday Poker
                          Sunday, Mar. 9th
                          5:00 PM EST

                          Where: PokerStars SBR Poker Home Game Club
                          Who can play:
                          All SBR members who have posted at least once in the past month.

                          Prize Payouts (for each game)

                          Paid in Amazon or PayPal payments.

                          1st $40
                          2nd $25
                          3rd $20
                          4th $15

                          How to Enter/Sign-up:
                          • Post your PokerStars username in this thread
                          • Request to join the Home Game Club (follow instructions below)
                          • If you have already joined us for a previous game, you do not need to do this again; you will remain in the club. Simply watch and register for the tournament when registration opens.

                          How to Join the Home Game Club:

                          *Open PokerStars software, log in
                          *Click Home Games Tab, then click on Join a club
                          *Enter Club ID: 4920938
                          *Enter Invitation Code: SBRSUNDAY300
                          *Enter your SBR username in the "Your Name" field enter your SBR username

                          For players in regulated states (Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania): Use this link to download the client (no VPN needed):
                          Buy-In: 20,000 play chips.
                          You get 35k when you join, otherwise you can top up with 15,000 every 4 hours. We recommend you start building some up to ensure you have enough for every tournament.

                          How to get free chips:
                          • Click on Cashier at the top of the page
                          • Click the Play Money tab
                          • Click on the Collect button, then click OK to top up your play money chips

                          After you collect your 15,000 free chips, a timer will show in the cashier, counting down to when you can claim free chips again, or may also show at the top of your main lobby as shown below:

                          How to Claim Your Prize
                          Send a private message to Debi and Tammy_G with the following info (it is very important to include both of us!):
                          Amazon or PayPal?

                          If Amazon:
                          US or Canada?
                          -Email address to send gift code to

                          If PayPal:
                          -Please provide the email address on your PayPal account for payment.We will get that information sent in asap so you can receive your prizes. Prize payment is not instantaneous. Please allow sufficient time to receive your prize.
                          Cool will make ps account when I get home


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