This country was built on brave souls that were not afraid of doing what was right. Do I want war? Absolutely not. Is war sometimes necessary? Absolutely. Do you know why we went into the Vietnam war? Because of the widespread of communism of the Soviet Union and China. South Vietnam was crucial as a democratic country. Our leaders decided to go into war, whether I agree or disagree, is beyond my paygrade. My country asks me to serve, I serve. I registered to serve. My father fought in 3 wars, lost several of his close friends. This country was not born by people like you that would get an illegal deferment. True Americans citizens do not run off to Canada or the Caribbean. I respect those people who served and died for this country. Trump did not. Plus he shat on military families who lost loved one in war. That's not the example of who I want leading this country.
Why do I care if a guy likes to grab women? Huh? I'm more likely to punch a guy out for sexually assaulting a women. I don't stand for abuse. I'm amazed you would admit that you like it? What's wrong with you?