I'm young, healthy, democrat, politician and more important than you... : Nominated P

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  • L8night
    SBR Hall of Famer
    • 05-04-13
    • 5535

    I'm young, healthy, democrat, politician and more important than you... : Nominated P

    Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=29980594'>posted</a> on 12/23/2020:

    Originally posted by jt315
    Uh oh !

    WASHINGTON — Progressive Rep. Ilhan Omar on Sunday called it “shameful” that young, healthy lawmakers — such as fellow “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — are receiving the coronavirus vaccine before American seniors and front-line workers.

    The Minnesota congresswoman has joined a growing number of lawmakers who have vowed not to take the Pfizer miracle drug out of concerns they are jumping the line.

    That's OK JT, I called AOC and told her should could have my place in the vaccine line as I do believe she will be a very significant politician in the future and good for America, plus I like how she fu@ks with you Donnie nutsuckers,priceless.
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