Really Herb?

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  • Brandt Moat
    SBR Wise Guy
    • 05-26-21
    • 885

    Really Herb?

    I have said forever Herb Dean lets fighter get hit several times after I said AFTER they are KNOCKED OUT. This kid got hit by over 300 hard shots in the course of that 3 rounder. Yea he was hurt at the end! Yea it can't be argued it should have been stopped. It also can't be argued it should have been stopped several hundred times by corner of the kid or even Herb Dean. That kid took too many shots after the first minute. The UFC promotion has feed this Punk Fook O'Sally pillows. This kid steps in on a weeks notice. It was a horrible match-up of talents. The UFC should not have let it go on that long. You can see by the recent decisions(Jessica Eye's fight Sat. Night) that the promotion is falling into the world of boxing bad decision debacles. One judge had her losing every round. Herb Dean is pure garbage! The owners of the promotion are pure dog shyt!! Greedy fooks. We know what they are and how they do business. They are holding true to their stereo type. Money hungry fooks! The popularity of the sport only took off after these particular type of people gained control of the sport. It was banned,blocked and forced to closed circuit T.V. The venues themselves had to be kept secret so they wouldn't be forced to stop the event. The "Choice" people got the company and it went mainstream instantly. Hmmm
  • Sanity Check
    SBR Posting Legend
    • 03-30-13
    • 10962

    Originally posted by Brandt Moat
    the promotion is falling into the world of boxing bad decision debacles. One judge had her losing every round. Herb Dean is pure garbage! The owners of the promotion are pure dog shyt!!
    The promotion doesn't appoint or oversee judging.

    That's done by state athletic commissions.


    • Brandt Moat
      SBR Wise Guy
      • 05-26-21
      • 885

      Yep, I was just saying the decisions are as bad as boxing. Up until recently, most have been fair decisions. Florida judges being the worst! The UFC had a hand in getting Mazzagatti fired. They have some say. I have seen the filth of judging over the last 45 years. Watching Ali lay on the ropes and win decisions. Can't keep out corruption forever. Can't tell me the people of the UFC are not in bed with some criminals. You would have to be a complete dipshyt to think otherwise. If you have the "Choice" people and betting on fights there is corruption.
      Originally posted by Sanity Check
      The promotion doesn't appoint or oversee judging.

      That's done by state athletic commissions.
      Last edited by Brandt Moat; 07-12-21, 06:05 AM.


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