I mean my thread or post gets moved under someone else thread! Muscles already had a thread up asking or a slot at the 9pm tourney. I had mine up first, yet all my threads and posts keep getting moved under his thread!
Guy begs people for points every SINGLE DAY for poker. Loser.
Like 13 points is shit around here! Big fuk'in deal! Isn't it time for you to go slap your bitch around, I saw her look'in at some dude in the grocery store, that's grounds for a stoning according to your ignorant prick religion isn't it?
I'm not begging steve, I have the entry fee, I'm just simply asking if someone is not gonna play tonight, to let me know so I can get their seat! What the fuk is wrong with that?
Like 13 points is shit around here! Big fuk'in deal! Isn't it time for you to go slap your bitch around, I saw her look'in at some dude in the grocery store, that's grounds for a stoning according to your ignorant prick religion isn't it?
Guy begs people for points every SINGLE DAY for poker. Loser.
Yeah you and Donaghy got a lot in common, two of the biggest losers in life as well as sports! Except Donaghy probably justs bitch slaps his wife, where as you would slit her throat! Hey paco, if you hurry, I'm sure you could still catch a filght to Libya and help your daddy Gaddafi beat back the freedom fighters! After all you muslim fuks enjoy being ruled by some idiot jackass for 40+ years!At least the Jews have actually contributed something to society.
Wow! Two infractions and a warning! There must really be some whiny bitch ass muslim lovers on this site! Don't say anything about the little cry babies ass snifers on here, they'll run right to a mod, a fuk'in muslim mod I'm sure too! Pretty sad when your bullshit fake ass religion gets in the way of freedom of speech! Keep whining camel fuk'ers, youre false fuk'in god is all an illusion in your ignorant mind. When you die, you will still turn to fuk'in worm food! And to think you spent all you that time bent over sniffing another guys hairy stick'in ass praising a phony prophet who lead you no where! And the sad irony of it all, muslim women the true smarter species out of all you stupid ass rag head Arab hicks! They actually "want" to be educated and make a better life for themselves, and one day soon they will achieve their goal! Scares the fuk outta you doesn't it? Don't worry though, you'll still have plenty of camel ass to fuk!
Wow! Two infractions and a warning! There must really be some whiny bitch ass muslim lovers on this site! Don't say anything about the little cry babies ass snifers on here, they'll run right to a mod, a fuk'in muslim mod I'm sure too! Pretty sad when your bullshit fake ass religion gets in the way of freedom of speech! Keep whining camel fuk'ers, youre false fuk'in god is all an illusion in your ignorant mind. When you die, you will still turn to fuk'in worm food! And to think you spent all you that time bent over sniffing another guys hairy stick'in ass praising a phony prophet who lead you no where! And the sad irony of it all, muslim women the true smarter species out of all you stupid ass rag head Arab hicks! They actually "want" to be educated and make a better life for themselves, and one day soon they will achieve their goal! Scares the fuk outta you doesn't it? Don't worry though, you'll still have plenty of camel ass to fuk!
Yeah, dude you should probably stick to begging for change/points or whatever. Your outlandish obnoxious comments will probably get you tossed from here. Then you will have to start a new account. And no I do not have any points for you to play poker with today.