1. #1
    jones24's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Is it true that bookmakers like bet365 and betinternet ban ppl that constantly win?

    I have read that BI limited someone that won consistently on their site to something like 5 dollar bets.

    I have also read that Bet365 does the same for ppl that win huge sums?

    In any case is the above true and is it the same for all bookmakers? Are they just like the casinos that will try and find ways to ban ppl that constantly win big from them?

  2. #2
    skrtelfan's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Bet365 is one of the fastest to limit bettors to nothing. I won well under 10k before my limits were about $40 across the board.

  3. #3
    Hareeba!'s Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    little to do with how much you win
    more to do with how good you are at snaring the top odds

  4. #4
    jones24's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Could you explain to me what snaring the top odds means?

    Which sports book would be the best that doesn't limit your bets at all?

  5. #5
    goblue12's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by jones24 View Post
    Which sports book would be the best that doesn't limit your bets at all?
    The ones you can't win at.

  6. #6
    Hareeba!'s Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jones24 View Post
    Could you explain to me what snaring the top odds means?

    Which sports book would be the best that doesn't limit your bets at all?
    If you manage to regularly get your bets on at better than the final odds they take a dislike to you.

    Pinnacle is the best bookie in regard to not being limited. For soccer SBO and 188 are also good. Just about all the others will limit.

    But the exchanges will never limit you either, though you may not find enough liquidity depending on what sports you are betting on.

  7. #7
    jones24's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Well 365 gives live betting till the very last 3 mins of a soccer game for eg. Obviously there are times when a team is down by 1 goal for eg and then the odds for that team to win will shoot thru the roof but goes down low again when they score 1 back. I find it dumb for them to limit the bets for a player that consistently manages to get the high odds at that pt of time but then again they own the bookmaker.

  8. #8
    King of the Idiots
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    Quote Originally Posted by jones24 View Post
    Well 365 gives live betting till the very last 3 mins of a soccer game for eg. Obviously there are times when a team is down by 1 goal for eg and then the odds for that team to win will shoot thru the roof but goes down low again when they score 1 back. I find it dumb for them to limit the bets for a player that consistently manages to get the high odds at that pt of time but then again they own the bookmaker.
    That is not wht he meant by getting the highest odds.

    If, for a given match the market has Team A at 2.00 (+100) and Bet365 has 2.10 (+110) and you hit on that differential consistently then Bet365 will recognise that you are either conducting arbitrage or are a value bettor i.e. someone who shops around to find the best price/odds.

    Over a long period of time you will be able to beat the books if you do that in a disciplined way. The European books, in particular, don't like this and have very good software for detecting it - and do not hesitate to limit the size of your bets or close your account altogether.

  9. #9
    jones24's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Thanks for the explaination fourlengths.

    Although bet365 will at least pay u what u have in your a/c if they want to close your account right?

  10. #10
    King of the Idiots
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    Quote Originally Posted by jones24 View Post
    Thanks for the explaination fourlengths.

    Although bet365 will at least pay u what u have in your a/c if they want to close your account right?

  11. #11
    trumpdown's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    I'd occasionally wager bad odds @ Bet365.... give them the label of not having a clue. This will keep you in the game. IF you win and are labeled this way your chances of ever getting booted greatly diminish.

  12. #12
    King of the Idiots
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    Quote Originally Posted by trumpdown View Post
    I'd occasionally wager bad odds @ Bet365.... give them the label of not having a clue. This will keep you in the game. IF you win and are labeled this way your chances of ever getting booted greatly diminish.

    I managed to keep an online account at Victor Chandler for nearly 10 years this way. They closed my account eventually only because of a 'moment of madness' on my part when I bet their max on a couple of obscure soccer league matches.

  13. #13
    althelegend's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Some euro books will limit you to pennies very quickly. Others will take longer - but will get you eventually.

  14. #14
    jones24's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    I have wagered on stupidly small odds before. It was a live match and i wagered 1000 of my winnings just to make 144. I think that in their books show that i'm not a very smart punter. I don't do that anymore though.

  15. #15
    shari91's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by trumpdown View Post
    I'd occasionally wager bad odds @ Bet365.... give them the label of not having a clue. This will keep you in the game. IF you win and are labeled this way your chances of ever getting booted greatly diminish.

    And I apologise to whomever PM'd me last week asking me how to avoid being limited at 365... I accidentally deleted it so I couldn't respond. But here is your answer. I was limited by accidentally betting into good lines. Total fluke on my part. I don't follow line movement in tennis but after coming on here and asking why the f I'd possibly get limited after losing something like 3 of 5 bets, we figured it out. Awesome book and I'd recommend it to anyone. They didn't limit me on everything - just that one type of tennis bet. Be smart about how you play and you'll have a blast there

  16. #16
    mminkovski's Avatar SBR MVP
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    all bookies (except pinnacle) will limit you upon winnings

  17. #17
    kiwi's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by mminkovski View Post
    all bookies (except pinnacle) will limit you upon winnings
    ... except sbobet, except ibcbet...
