[WARNING] All Jazzsports.ag, Looselines, ABCislands and Betodds Issues

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  • Chiefs83
    • 08-01-16
    • 2671

    [WARNING] All Jazzsports.ag, Looselines, ABCislands and Betodds Issues

    Do they pay, thinking about making a deposit
    Last edited by Optional; 12-22-24, 02:53 AM. Reason: title
  • darthvader777
    SBR Hustler
    • 10-28-16
    • 86

    Originally posted by Chiefs83
    Do they pay, thinking about making a deposit
    Yes. However, they sit on the request for over a week before processing it, hoping you change your mind I guess. Moreover, I have been payout-limited to $1000/payout, although "normal" players can withdraw up to $5000/week, I believe. Finally, they only payout in BTC.


    • Chiefs83
      SBR MVP
      • 08-01-16
      • 2671

      Thanks I won’t be depositing


      • Keith Richard
        SBR MVP
        • 07-06-06
        • 1573

        They are in the Jazz family.


        • Chiefs83
          SBR MVP
          • 08-01-16
          • 2671


          Do they pay? Are they a reputable book


          • Chiefs83
            SBR MVP
            • 08-01-16
            • 2671

            I see what you mean as I’ve been waiting over a week to receive their confirmation code for my withdrawal. Had to send in ID, utility bill, and selfie of me holding my ID. Just had to switch emails to my girlfriends email. Will post when I finally receive my $$$. This has been a nightmare and have spent a lot of time going back n forth with them. It’s funny how they receive my emails and I receive there’s with no problem when corresponding, but when waiting for the confirmation withdrawal code it suddenly doesn’t work.


            • Chiefs83
              SBR MVP
              • 08-01-16
              • 2671

              I can confirm that the confirmation code got sent to my girls email right away. Yahoo.com
              Now need to wait 24-72 hours for them to process it customer support said.


              • Thefix13
                SBR Wise Guy
                • 05-14-21
                • 664

                Should have taken your own advice


                • Chiefs83
                  SBR MVP
                  • 08-01-16
                  • 2671

                  Waiting for Btc withdrawal to hit my account…they said anywhere from 24-72 hours


                  • HoleWrecker
                    SBR High Roller
                    • 10-12-24
                    • 174


                    Why use them they are garbage


                    • Chiefs83
                      SBR MVP
                      • 08-01-16
                      • 2671

                      I learned hard way, only reason to play would be there discrepancies. Money is only 3 figures…to slow pay on that makes no sense…less than a nickel
                      Last edited by Chiefs83; 11-13-24, 08:08 AM.


                      • JAKEPEAVY21
                        BARRELED IN @ SBR!
                        • 03-11-11
                        • 29161

                        Originally posted by darthvader777
                        Yes. However, they sit on the request for over a week before processing it, hoping you change your mind I guess. Moreover, I have been payout-limited to $1000/payout, although "normal" players can withdraw up to $5000/week, I believe. Finally, they only payout in BTC.
                        I refuse to deposit anywhere that employs that tactic. There is no excuse not to send a crypto payout at worst the same day.


                        • Chiefs83
                          SBR MVP
                          • 08-01-16
                          • 2671

                          Site isn’t working currently


                          • Chiefs83
                            SBR MVP
                            • 08-01-16
                            • 2671

                            Back up


                            • Chiefs83
                              SBR MVP
                              • 08-01-16
                              • 2671

                              Paid about 36 hours


                              • SpringHeelJack
                                SBR Rookie
                                • 01-08-24
                                • 26

                                My experience with the "jazz " family is 1. Terrible site design like from the 2000's or something except for jazz sports. 2. Not really any incentive on bonuses....3. Semi rude cus service....mom and pop book but they do pay albeit sort of slow


                                • linebacker67
                                  SBR Wise Guy
                                  • 09-03-08
                                  • 854

                                  Jazz family of books are slow pay books. Don’t play there because the frustration you will experience when trying to get paid is not worth it. I am now 7 days waiting on btc payout.


                                  • SirtySree
                                    SBR MVP
                                    • 12-19-13
                                    • 2356

                                    I too am payout limited as someone else mentioned above.

                                    $1000/week with 10-15 business days to get paid and then have to wait a week to be able to make my next withdrawal so it's basically $1000/month.

                                    Currently waiting 3 weeks for my latest withdrawal and will take years to withdrawal my full balance.


                                    • linebacker67
                                      SBR Wise Guy
                                      • 09-03-08
                                      • 854

                                      I received a payout today. It took 7 days to get a Bitcoin payout but I did get it.


                                      • stoicboy
                                        SBR Rookie
                                        • 10-02-24
                                        • 11

                                        jazzbet issues

                                        waiting over 2 weeks for a withdraw, and max withdraw 1k


                                        • SirtySree
                                          SBR MVP
                                          • 12-19-13
                                          • 2356


                                          Having the same issue myself.

                                          Anyone have any ideas what can be done? I can't get my balance out for years at this rate.


                                          • Optional
                                            • 06-10-10
                                            • 60284

                                            Originally posted by darthvader777
                                            I have been payout-limited to $1000/payout, although "normal" players can withdraw up to $5000/week
                                            Starting to look like what they call "normal" players are those that don't ask for a withdraw. And everyone else is "payout limited".

                                            You know there is a widespread problem when the company makes up their own sanitized term for slow pay.


                                            • vampire assassin
                                              SBR Sharp
                                              • 03-09-18
                                              • 296

                                              I know of one large winner who was limited to $500/week i withdrawals. It will take him several years to get his money.


                                              • shawnski
                                                SBR Rookie
                                                • 01-23-25
                                                • 1

                                                good hedge book for JazzSports?

                                                (first post here) I took a new customer promo with Jazz Sports. My goal was to lose out into a different book, but luck went the other way. I'm up to $3k and can't find any bets to hedge with to get through the rollover. Everything is over 2%. Are there any good books to hedge them with? And will they pay out when I'm done with this massive rollover?


                                                • darthvader777
                                                  SBR Hustler
                                                  • 10-28-16
                                                  • 86

                                                  Originally posted by vampire assassin
                                                  I know of one large winner who was limited to $500/week i withdrawals. It will take him several years to get his money.
                                                  I was limited to $1K/wk withdrawals. However, it usually takes about a month between actual disbursements. It will indeed take me over a year to get it all out.


                                                  • darthvader777
                                                    SBR Hustler
                                                    • 10-28-16
                                                    • 86

                                                    Originally posted by SirtySree
                                                    I too am payout limited as someone else mentioned above.

                                                    $1000/week with 10-15 business days to get paid and then have to wait a week to be able to make my next withdrawal so it's basically $1000/month.

                                                    Currently waiting 3 weeks for my latest withdrawal and will take years to withdrawal my full balance.
                                                    He's spot on. I'm in the same boat. Guess misery loves company. All the while, they make 4.5% on the balance...


                                                    • SirtySree
                                                      SBR MVP
                                                      • 12-19-13
                                                      • 2356

                                                      I'm hoping that if enough people call out their bs, they'll change withdraw limits back to the same for everyone.


                                                      • captrobey
                                                        BARRELED IN @ SBR!
                                                        • 09-02-10
                                                        • 34308

                                                        I will never deposit there again after they pulled a bait and switch on me . They even tried a month after the screwover to offer the same bonus they just had screwed me over on. They have tried getting me to deposit a few times and basically they can rot in hell .


                                                        • Ksherm
                                                          SBR MVP
                                                          • 07-13-10
                                                          • 1059

                                                          They love slow paying for no reason. Supposed to be able to get 2 payouts a week. Impossible when they pay once every 6 business days..


                                                          • GoochKing
                                                            SBR Rookie
                                                            • 11-08-24
                                                            • 8

                                                            I was limited to $2,500/payout a week. Withdrew close to $50,000 but took several months. Typically 7 days between each payout.

                                                            They informed me that even though I completed the rollover I had to continue $5,000/week to get the $5,000 max payout.


                                                            • PunisherIND
                                                              SBR MVP
                                                              • 02-24-11
                                                              • 4948

                                                              jan 9th: requested 2500 payout (already cleared kyc, this was my 3rd lifetime payout request)

                                                              jan 19th: payout rejected- reason: payout limit changed from 2500/week to 1000/week

                                                              jan 20th: requested 1000 payout

                                                              jan 30th: still pending


                                                              • Tom R.
                                                                SBR High Roller
                                                                • 08-17-13
                                                                • 126

                                                                I received answer from financial department: for PRO players, who place bets not just for fun, payout time - 20 business days and limit - 1000$


                                                                • Optional
                                                                  • 06-10-10
                                                                  • 60284

                                                                  Originally posted by Tom R.
                                                                  I received answer from financial department: for PRO players, who place bets not just for fun, payout time - 20 business days and limit - 1000$
                                                                  "We can only afford losing bettors as we are broke"

                                                                  "Normal players are not payout limited." Only people who withdraw. It's our own made up word for "WE SLOW PAY ALL".

                                                                  Is it getting close to the time to consider banning this book here and posting warnings in response to any post? Appears like they are outa money as football season ends. Typical of how offshores end, or turn rouge.


                                                                  • offshoreplayer
                                                                    SBR Rookie
                                                                    • 02-11-25
                                                                    • 2

                                                                    I've been checking out a few different forums, and it looks like Jazz sold their operation and switched up the whole management team. I decided to give bet worldwide sports a shot with a small $100 deposit with no free play. I requested a small $150 payout, and they sent it over in about an hour and a half. I've been working with Mike, and he's been great, super on top of things and really transparent. I'm planning to do a $500 deposit next, so I’ll keep you all updated on how it goes.


                                                                    • dr_seanathan
                                                                      SBR Rookie
                                                                      • 11-29-24
                                                                      • 27

                                                                      @punisherIND did you get your 1000 out?
                                                                      Last edited by dr_seanathan; 02-12-25, 01:27 PM.


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