1. #1
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Topbet 7 months and counting.........

    Here is the email I sent:

    Can I get an update?

    I have waited since August 10th 2017 for my payout.

    Why aren't any alternative measures being taken?

    Why am I not being paid with a different method if your processor is delayed for over 7 months?

    Why do I never receive any updates on anything except same old blah blah processor and you will contact me when my money is sent.......which seems to never happen.

    Are you completely flat broke and stealing my money?

    Please answer my questions as I will be posting on SBR forum and on my complaint as well.

    Here is their pathetic reply:

    Hello XXXXX,

    We apologize for any frustration that his may have caused you.

    Our team is continuously following up your request, but we have not gotten anything new. Rest assured that your account's withdrawal request is being monitored and will be processed as soon as possible.

    We guarantee you that the company is not in any financial trouble whatsoever, and that we pay our customers.

    Customer Service - Supervisor

  2. #2
    michael777's Avatar SBR MVP
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    TRAVESTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get paid,they are pathetic

  3. #3
    Update your status
    newton0038's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Im sure they can process a deposit in 1.5 seconds though

  4. #4
    icon's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post

    We guarantee you that the company is not in any financial trouble whatsoever, and that we pay our customers.

    Customer Service - Supervisor
    A guarantee. Wow.

  5. #5
    jbayko's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    Quote Originally Posted by icon View Post
    A guarantee. Wow.
    If you want me to take a dump in a box, and mark it guaranteed I will... I've got spare time.

    How do you know the guaranteed fairy isn't some crazy glue sniffer? He sneaks into your house once and that's all it takes. Next thing you know, there is money missing off your dresser and your daughter is knocked up! I've seen it a hundred times.

  6. #6
    milwaukee mike
    milwaukee mike's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    where's that jackass thomorino to tell everyone that topbet is fine, because he got a payout after begging them 800 times

    sorry to hear that you still aren't getting paid, what a horrible situation

  7. #7
    Derailer's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    I can remember you being one of the first delays when Topbet first started having problems and realizing I had made a mistake in depositing there when doing some research after the fact. That was two football seasons ago. I did wind up getting paid though.

    When was your last payout?

  8. #8
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    I, unfortunately, did not request all of my funds at once.

    I fell for the wait for a bit and bitcoin will be available as an option lie.

    I had a rather large balance back when they were rated C here at SBR.

    The last payment I received was in September 2017 from a request in April 2017 so it was 5 months wait.

    The payout before that took 4 months.

    This one is from August 10 before football season started and now football season has finished 6 weeks ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Derailer View Post
    I can remember you being one of the first delays when Topbet first started having problems and realizing I had made a mistake in depositing there when doing some research after the fact. That was two football seasons ago. I did wind up getting paid though.

    When was your last payout?

  9. #9
    Derailer's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    I, unfortunately, did not request all of my funds at once.

    I fell for the wait for a bit and bitcoin will be available as an option lie.

    I had a rather large balance back when they were rated C here at SBR.

    The last payment I received was in September 2017 from a request in April 2017 so it was 5 months wait.

    The payout before that took 4 months.

    This one is from August 10 before football season started and now football season has finished 6 weeks ago.
    That's about when I got paid out in full and the same timeframe. Funny enough a small balance went out within 14 days.

    They obviously cannot pay out the big balance guys and you are in the Hotel California.

    You have an SBR complaint on file? That did seem to focus them on getting me paid.

  10. #10
    regularguy1's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I've been getting the same type responses. I'm owed 3 max checks with the oldest being just over 12 months old now. I filed an SBR report long ago which generated a personal email from someone with Topbet, but nothing but stock replies ever since.

  11. #11
    jjgold's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    The book seems broke

  12. #12
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Now 8 months and counting....

  13. #13
    jjgold's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    seems bankrupt

  14. #14
    5mike5's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
    where's that jackass thomorino to tell everyone that topbet is fine, because he got a payout after begging them 800 times

    sorry to hear that you still aren't getting paid, what a horrible situation
    what a court jester that guy was...

    srry to hear but this is a well known shit book that only pays when football deposits start rolling in

  15. #15
    bonzaii's Avatar SBR MVP
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    With their business model I'm shocked their even paying at all and have the lights on.

  16. #16
    aliceinchains's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    How are you still holding on even?

  17. #17
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5mike5 View Post
    what a court jester that guy was...

    srry to hear but this is a well known shit book that only pays when football deposits start rolling in

    This request was from before football season even started so that theory isn't even always the case.

  18. #18
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Now 9 months and counting.............

    We apologize that this is taking too long for you to receive your check, and we assure you we are not just sitting idly waiting for your tracking number. We are waiting for our processor to finish the batch that they are currently working on, then check if your request is already included in the next batch.

    We assure you that you will receive this check, it may be delayed, but we never miss any payouts. We are going to send you another email once we receive any news about your payout.

    Once again, we apologize for this delay. Rest assured that you will be receiving this as soon as possible.

    For further concerns, do not hesitate to contact Topbet's 24/7 Support Team or send an email and we will be more than glad to address all your concerns.
    Last edited by Frank; 05-10-18 at 11:55 AM.

  19. #19
    bonzaii's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Your going to have to wait at least another couple of months till enough suckers deposit money into this broke book.

  20. #20
    SBR Drew
    SBR Drew's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Did you file a complaint form?

  21. #21
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Now 10 months and counting............

    This is what I receive when asking:

    We have received a follow up email regarding your payout concern. We understand that it is frustrating that this payout is already long overdued. We are not happy about this as well. Our payouts team will coordinate with our processor to expedite your check. We assure you that you will get paid.
    Again we would like to apologize for this delay. Once the tracking number is available we will promptly forward it to you.

    For further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Topbet's Support Team and we will be more than willing to address all your concerns.


    TopBet CSR

  22. #22
    pimike's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    Now 10 months and counting............

    This is what I receive when asking:

    We have received a follow up email regarding your payout concern. We understand that it is frustrating that this payout is already long overdued. We are not happy about this as well. Our payouts team will coordinate with our processor to expedite your check. We assure you that you will get paid.
    Again we would like to apologize for this delay. Once the tracking number is available we will promptly forward it to you.

    For further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Topbet's Support Team and we will be more than willing to address all your concerns.


    TopBet CSR
    Sorry but I don’t think you will get paid without SBR’s help.

  23. #23
    dark star
    dark star's Avatar SBR MVP
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    What a shitshow this book is

  24. #24
    icon's Avatar SBR MVP
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    I would post on their Facebook page.


    or their Twitter


  25. #25
    icon's Avatar SBR MVP
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  26. #26
    SBR Poker is ALL Freakin Wild Donk Luck!
    JoeCool20's Avatar SBR MVP
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  27. #27
    Did we win?
    unde0087's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    We guarantee you that the company is not in any financial trouble whatsoever, and that we pay our customers.

    The fact they included this in the email is a joke. No one says that unless they are in financial trouble.

  28. #28
    jjgold's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    they are done

  29. #29
    Derailer's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    It is insane that this stuff is still going on now a full two years after the initial problems and now coming up on the third football season. You would think they would either get straight or go under but they continue to stagger along with no end in sight.

  30. #30
    Thanks for all the fish.
    semibluff's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derailer View Post
    It is insane that this stuff is still going on now a full two years after the initial problems and now coming up on the third football season. You would think they would either get straight or go under but they continue to stagger along with no end in sight.
    Businesses close if they're losing money. Typically start-up costs are high but running costs are low. If they're taking bets but not paying out they're almost certainly making money, so expecting them to voluntarily disappear seems optimistic.

  31. #31
    Update your status
    Stallion's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Never going to get paid.

  32. #32
    lonnie55's Avatar SBR MVP
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    They will not pay. Just a way to not have to admit they are not willing to pay.

    I go through the same shit with Betlinee where I have funds of 10k. They are not paying since December 21, 2017. Chat always same generic stock answers.

  33. #33
    Derailer's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    Quote Originally Posted by semibluff View Post
    Businesses close if they're losing money. Typically start-up costs are high but running costs are low. If they're taking bets but not paying out they're almost certainly making money, so expecting them to voluntarily disappear seems optimistic.
    What book ever "voluntarily" disappeared? If they are taking money but not paying out, they are almost certainly NOT making money. They are bust. A book making money pays out. They pay what they want and can to keep the lights on for as long as they can. This is a zombie book.

  34. #34
    jablo1312's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    7 weeks and counting of the run-around from TopBet for $2.5k. Imagine it's similar to the same shit that happened last summer. I requested a payout in early June last year, and received my money on about September 24th (week 3 of the NFL season). What a POS operation.

  35. #35
    Frank's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Now 11 months and counting..................

    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may caused. I know that it is unacceptable to keep you waiting for your check but we are on top of this issue and we are doing our best to resolve it as soon as possible. I just made another follow up today with our payments team however as of this time we are still waiting for an update from our processor for the tracking information.

    I understand this has been very inconvenient to you just to let you know, we process payout by batches and wait for our processors to send the tracking number which is sent by batches too.

    Hope for your kind consideration and patience

    Should you have further inquiries please contact Topbet's support team or send us an email.


    Topbet CSR

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