1. #1
    ivanrussia's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Warning of Sportsbet.io - don't play there!

    Hi! I have opened an account with them (my first one), deposited 0.31115 BTC and made 56 bets on badminton, 15 of which lost, 1 void, 40 won. I ended up with 0.69215 BTC, so merely doubled the amount with huge effort through out a week. After that my account was blocked and KYC requested - I sent a bank statement and my passport, also made pictures with me holding my passport. After that they asked me if i know 3 other profile names (which i did not know) and then told me that my account remains blocked and funds will not be released (only my deposit of 0.31115 BTC), claiming that I had several accounts - which is simply not true.

    I just want everyone to know that this kind of behaviour has to be expected and thus for players its a lose-lose situation. Maybe they got taken over by 1xbet? They are the only ones that I know behaving like that... its a pity.

  2. #2
    fire777's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    From August I bet every day with sportsbet without any problem, and I get paid quickly even with thousands of euros.

  3. #3
    ivanrussia's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Are you in total having a profit? Then its weird that they behave like that with relatively small amounts. Maybe the market for badminton is not "big" enough for them, however if they are blocking and cancelling bets after such a relatively short period of time with no valid explanation - maybe they simply shouldnt offer those leagues and markets if theyre then not willing to take even a small hit.

  4. #4
    lonnie55's Avatar SBR MVP
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    I had similar issues with them but in the end they paid

    Cross the fingers for you

  5. #5
    TennisAceE's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    Quote Originally Posted by fire777 View Post
    From August I bet every day with sportsbet without any problem, and I get paid quickly even with thousands of euros.
    I have been playing with Sportsbet for more than 2 years; never had any issues or bad experiences.

    They have never KYC'd me (probably because I play by the rules and don't attempt to cheat them).

    In a single week, I will deposit thousands of Euros and have a nice gambling experience:

    @ivanrussia- This sportsbook makes a lot of money and the last thing they would do is tarnish their reputation over something so minuscule like you have mentioned.

    These "Sportsbet scammed me" threads are a dime a dozen; and any competitor or losing gambler can start a thread like this as they want.

    Sportsbet is a legitimate Bitcoin Sportsbook with many betting options and plays a strong role in the Bitcoin gambling community.
    Last edited by TennisAceE; 04-16-19 at 01:18 PM.

  6. #6
    ivanrussia's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    I am neither a competitor nor a losing gambler. I can provide screenshots of my account if you like - all small bets and lots of them. Winning bets. Your arguments all would be valid if the blocked the account immediately or after a few bets - but not like after a week and only after seeing that the account is getting into profits. Basically they didnt like something - and hoped that the stupid gambler loses it all - and if he wins we just cancel. And THAT is the real scam. If there was something wrong with my account they could have performed a KYC immediately. Again - I also play by the rules. My explanation is only that its up to the size of the market that you play. Sure if you'll bet champions league football probably they'll not cut you. However in given case its 1xbet-style, and at least those players that aim for unpopular sports or small leagues should be aware of that risk. Also I have sent this thread to sportsbet and have given them a chance to prove that i did break any of their rules. Very much looking forward to any reaction and/or evidence from them.

  7. #7
    The great game of POT...LIMIT...OMAHA
    eaglesfan371's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Sounds like you are arber. Lot of books do not allow such betting style.

  8. #8
    ivanrussia's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    nope, not arbitraging as well... also if you would check - the market does not allow for arbitraging since odds and limits are very low - so you would likely run the chance to not get a bet on different bookies simultaneous. At least i can not imagine that you could make a decent profit with that in low limit markets, maybe im wrong.

    Also - again maybe im wrong - but arbitraging would be a reason to limit the account, not to void all bets in it. I mean how much can you earn with arbitraging with lets say 100-200 euro bets... its a joke.

  9. #9
    TennisAceE's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivanrussia View Post
    I am neither a competitor nor a losing gambler. I can provide screenshots of my account if you like - all small bets and lots of them. Winning bets. Your arguments all would be valid if the blocked the account immediately or after a few bets - but not like after a week and only after seeing that the account is getting into profits. Basically they didnt like something - and hoped that the stupid gambler loses it all - and if he wins we just cancel. And THAT is the real scam. If there was something wrong with my account they could have performed a KYC immediately. Again - I also play by the rules. My explanation is only that its up to the size of the market that you play. Sure if you'll bet champions league football probably they'll not cut you. However in given case its 1xbet-style, and at least those players that aim for unpopular sports or small leagues should be aware of that risk. Also I have sent this thread to sportsbet and have given them a chance to prove that i did break any of their rules. Very much looking forward to any reaction and/or evidence from them.
    Maybe it took them a week to confirm your multi-accounting; that's why you weren't blocked earlier.
    As I have mentioned, I don't see Sportsbet risking their reputation for, what, less than 1 Bitcoin as you are claiming?
    Either arber or multi-counting is what got you flagged.

    You are fortunate that they even gave you your initial deposit back.

    Some Bitcoin sportsbooks have a zero policy for cheating and would have kept your entire balance
    *cough Nitrogen cough *

  10. #10
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by TennisAceE View Post

    Maybe it took them a week to confirm your multi-accounting; that's why you weren't blocked earlier.
    As I have mentioned, I don't see Sportsbet risking their reputation for, what, less than 1 Bitcoin as you are claiming?
    Either arber or multi-counting is what got you flagged.

    You are fortunate that they even gave you your initial deposit back.

    Some Bitcoin sportsbooks have a zero policy for cheating and would have kept your entire balance
    *cough Nitrogen cough *
    Please stop your shilling about this book.

    In another thread you claim they are not shady as they dont ask for ID.

    Now a person reports they do ask for extensive ID, and you make up crap to excuse it.

    We do not allow book reps or paid shills to promote things on this forum.
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: Daddy89

  11. #11
    ivanrussia's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by TennisAceE View Post
    Maybe it took them a week to confirm your multi-accounting; that's why you weren't blocked earlier.
    As I have mentioned, I don't see Sportsbet risking their reputation for, what, less than 1 Bitcoin as you are claiming?
    Either arber or multi-counting is what got you flagged.

    You are fortunate that they even gave you your initial deposit back.

    Some Bitcoin sportsbooks have a zero policy for cheating and would have kept your entire balance
    *cough Nitrogen cough *
    Well first - I have not received the deposit back - however THAT they have promised so for now I have no reason to expect otherwise.

    Second - you can believe it or not - but its my first and only account with them, and honestly - there are a lot of books out there (particularly if we talk about usual fiat books) - and up to my experience - not everyone who makes money is a arber or cheater, yet there is almost a guarantee that at a certain point of time to get limited or blocked if you are successful (with exception of pinnacle, sbo etc. maybe). Sorry I can not believe that there are so many people here claiming to win regularly thousands of euros with soft-books like sportsbet and get not limited..... same would apply for other large books like bet365 and so on... if youre not a punter for 5 bucks... and if youre not losing - then chances are high that they will limit you. However usually serious books at least pay-out.

  12. #12
    icon's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Please stop your shilling about this book.

    In another thread you claim they are not shady as they dont ask for ID.

    Now a person reports they do ask for extensive ID, and you make up crap to excuse it.

    We do not allow book reps or paid shills to promote things on this forum.
    My experience getting setup with Sportsbet.io was that they required my ID and had to verify me (KYC) BEFORE they would allow me to make any deposits and wagers.

    I don't have any withdrawal experience as I busted out with my initial deposit.

  13. #13
    Ant23's Avatar Restricted User
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    TennisAceE.......in my best Optional voice..."YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK....GOOD BYE"

  14. #14
    acegilz's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    I see a lot of books now asking for kyc.. for me the concept of bitcoin is to keep anonymous.
    Can someone recommend a book that did never ask KYC to its customers, even on big withdrawals?

  15. #15
    ivanrussia's Avatar SBR Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by acegilz View Post
    I see a lot of books now asking for kyc.. for me the concept of bitcoin is to keep anonymous.
    Can someone recommend a book that did never ask KYC to its customers, even on big withdrawals?
    I think cloudbet doesn't ask for it.

    And as for my case - sportsbet returned my initial deposit, however they decided to not comment on my ban (since there can't be a reason for it...). I can just recommend to keep that in mind when playing there that this can happen.

  16. #16
    The great game of POT...LIMIT...OMAHA
    eaglesfan371's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ant23 View Post
    TennisAceE.......in my best Optional voice..."YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK....GOOD BYE"
    This made me laugh, miss that show. One of my favs growing up.

  17. #17
    acegilz's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Fortunately I haven't experienced this yet . But from what I have been reading lately it's a matter of time until I get ripped of too.. Lot's of similar complaints from a variety of sbs

  18. #18
    littlekona's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivanrussia View Post
    I think cloudbet doesn't ask for it.

    And as for my case - sportsbet returned my initial deposit, however they decided to not comment on my ban (since there can't be a reason for it...). I can just recommend to keep that in mind when playing there that this can happen.
    i'd stay away from cloudbet..they will do KYC and have had many other many complaints not a safe place to play IMO
    Fairlay has done (1) KYC in their history and that was to a guy who who was not wagering just washing BTC
    Nitrogen has done a few that I have read most multi accounts or poker collusion attempts
    Those are the (2) best BTC books/Exchange that you are safest at and will not get KYC'd unless you really pull a scam

  19. #19
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlekona View Post
    i'd stay away from cloudbet..they will do KYC and have had many other many complaints not a safe place to play IMO
    Fairlay has done (1) KYC in their history and that was to a guy who who was not wagering just washing BTC
    Nitrogen has done a few that I have read most multi accounts or poker collusion attempts
    Those are the (2) best BTC books/Exchange that you are safest at and will not get KYC'd unless you really pull a scam
    I think Nitrogen has asked for ID info more than a few times.

    It's often to protect the account from unauthorized use though.

    Personally, if I have a large balance I would prefer to use a book that has good player security measures. And this is going to mean IDing customers from time to time.

  20. #20
    vsquare's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Do they allow US residents to register and wager ?

  21. #21
    littlekona's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    I think Nitrogen has asked for ID info more than a few times.

    It's often to protect the account from unauthorized use though.

    Personally, if I have a large balance I would prefer to use a book that has good player security measures. And this is going to mean IDing customers from time to time.
    Nitrogen security is top notch for sure..

    Nitro and fairly both open to USA

  22. #22
    check raise re-raise all-in
    Vyasports's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by eaglesfan371 View Post
    Sounds like you are arber. Lot of books do not allow such betting style.
    Everybody is "arber" for you no?

  23. #23
    vsquare's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    fairly ?
    Do nitrogen offer good covereage on the u19, u20,u21 soccer games ?
    need something similar to coverage provided by bet365 but for US residents

    Quote Originally Posted by littlekona View Post
    Nitrogen security is top notch for sure..

    Nitro and fairly both open to USA

  24. #24
    littlekona's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by vsquare View Post
    fairly ?
    Do nitrogen offer good covereage on the u19, u20,u21 soccer games ?
    need something similar to coverage provided by bet365 but for US residents
    sign up for Fairlay(BTC only Best odds) Nitrogen(BTC Only can parlay as its a book) and AC88(Asian Odds, Pinny & others) and you are covered plus you get payouts 24/7 and Fast at all of these...

  25. #25
    vsquare's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    AC88 does not allow US residents. Isn't it ?
    I don't see it in the list of countries available in the registration page

    Quote Originally Posted by littlekona View Post
    sign up for Fairlay(BTC only Best odds) Nitrogen(BTC Only can parlay as its a book) and AC88(Asian Odds, Pinny & others) and you are covered plus you get payouts 24/7 and Fast at all of these...

  26. #26
    littlekona's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by vsquare View Post
    AC88 does not allow US residents. Isn't it ?
    I don't see it in the list of countries available in the registration page
    sign up as btc only account with your real info and VPN from canada or netherlands when logging into books...Its A+ Agent!

  27. #27
    vsquare's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Which country to choose as country of residence while signing up as they do not list USA?
    Do they ask for verification docs ,kyc?

    Quote Originally Posted by littlekona View Post
    sign up as btc only account with your real info and VPN from canada or netherlands when logging into books...Its A+ Agent!

  28. #28
    littlekona's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by vsquare View Post
    Which country to choose as country of residence while signing up as they do not list USA?
    Do they ask for verification docs ,kyc?

    Just sign up as bitcoin....I haven’t had a kyc and done hundreds withdrawals and deposits....just don’t lie and your fine in case they ask..They are best agent A+

  29. #29
    raiders72001's Avatar Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by acegilz View Post
    I see a lot of books now asking for kyc.. for me the concept of bitcoin is to keep anonymous.
    Can someone recommend a book that did never ask KYC to its customers, even on big withdrawals?
    Nitrogen and Betcoin are your best bets since it's very minimal. If they ever ask for KYC, it's for your protection. Other bitcoin books asking for KYC are doing it to look for a way to keep your money.

  30. #30
    acegilz's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Even with Nitrogen there were some shady stories in past.. but I agree with you. The less reputable / known the house is, the more likely it's that they want your docs for everything except identification..

    @raiders any book asked you docs recently, can you share what? Besides Nitro and Betcoin what do you recommend to try (and avoid issues..)

  31. #31
    raiders72001's Avatar Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by acegilz View Post
    Even with Nitrogen there were some shady stories in past.. but I agree with you. The less reputable / known the house is, the more likely it's that they want your docs for everything except identification..

    @raiders any book asked you docs recently, can you share what? Besides Nitro and Betcoin what do you recommend to try (and avoid issues..)
    No one has asked for docs recently. Bitcoinrush is another no hassle book. The only problem with them is that payouts can take a day.

  32. #32
    littlekona's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    for BTC held stick with Fairlay for straight wagers since they have best odds and Nitrogen for Parlay's and poker if you need one more add betcoin to mix but Fairlay and Nitro I like the best as they pay fast Fairlay Instant and Nitro half hour or so 24/7. Betcoin is fine but not as consistent as the others and when it comes to crypto I want consistent

  33. #33
    raiders72001's Avatar Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlekona View Post
    for BTC held stick with Fairlay for straight wagers since they have best odds and Nitrogen for Parlay's and poker if you need one more add betcoin to mix but Fairlay and Nitro I like the best as they pay fast Fairlay Instant and Nitro half hour or so 24/7. Betcoin is fine but not as consistent as the others and when it comes to crypto I want consistent
    I still think your Betcoin hold up is that you're a poker player since mine are fine.

  34. #34
    acegilz's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Quote Originally Posted by raiders72001 View Post
    No one has asked for docs recently. Bitcoinrush is another no hassle book. The only problem with them is that payouts can take a day.
    great, last week had visited them but not joined. I sticked with betbtc becase odds were decimal (i live in europe) and also higher, but payouts also take some time (hours)
    Do they have any bonus at the moment? I couldn't find anything on homepage. If you have a ref link pm me I'll sign from you.
    Last edited by acegilz; 04-23-19 at 10:00 PM. Reason: quote

  35. #35
    TennisAceE's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    Quote Originally Posted by raiders72001 View Post
    No one has asked for docs recently. Bitcoinrush is another no hassle book. The only problem with them is that payouts can take a day.
    The problem with Bitcoinrush is the low limits on some events up until a few hours before star time.
    Also, you can't parlay multi-sports (NBA and MLB) like you can on Nitrogen and Sportsbet.
    They are trustworthy though and have been around for a while.

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